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terms and conditions

By signing up and engaging in a community you will be co-creating new thoughts, insights and collaborations. The beauty is the abundance of ideas, the boundary spanning and moving beyond your 'stuck' place of understanding. It's important that all community members - both content users and creators -  understand their rights and obligations with respect to using, sharing, and re-mixing content.  That is why we point you towards Creative Commons Licences.

Wana work together? Creative commons licenses.

In addition, our terms and conditions of participation in the community below set out our framework and principles for creating a respectful, caring and compassionate online community.


Since online communities usually have a personal networking component via online member profiles, it is important individuals are held accountable for providing accurate information. Impersonation or sharing of account details are actions members should be held personally liable for; they should not be representative of negligent practices on behalf of the organization.


The nature of some communities can have a large impact on an individual’s personal brand, livelihood and reputation within key networks. Users should know that TEFI takes these matters seriously.



We need your help to keep the Tourism Education Futures Initiative (TEFI) community as valuable, authentic, and safe as possible.

  • Be supportive. Encourage and support your fellow members. No one here is looking for criticism, cynicism, advice, or judgement. (We can get those things elsewhere!).

  • Share generously. Your stories and experiences may be exactly what another member needs to hear today to solve a problem or seize an opportunity.

  • Be constructive. We’re here to push each other forward and lift each other up. Find ways to help each other think bigger, reframe challenges, and stay curious.

  • Don’t spam, promote, or troll. This community exists to help you learn. It’s not a place to spam, promote your services, or bully anyone else.


Hopefully, these should be easy agreements. If you think you’ll be unable to abide by these guidelines, let us know and we’re happy to remove you.




There is a wide variety of content shared within the online community. We ask that the content provided in the community be used for personal use only, with appropriate acknowledgement of content creators. Should you wish to use any material created by others in the public domain, it is a condition that you acknowledge the content, the author and where it comes from. Should you have any doubts, please contact the author directly and ask for permission. 


The sharing of member profile information, the use of member information, images, or other content for lead generation is expressly forbidden. 


Selling, plagiarizing or circumventing security measures to steal content is expressly forbidden.


As user-generated content can often be of a delicate nature, protecting members from disagreeable opinions expressed by others is paramount. We request that posting and sharing be respectful, caring, and responsible.


It is important to express that once content is submitted to an online community, it becomes property of the community not solely the member nor the organization, but all those with a vested interest. Why? When someone posts content in an online community it doesn’t singularly benefit the organisation or the original poster. It benefits the entire online community.


By contributing content to this online community, members should realize that they grant a royalty-free and irrevocable right to TEFI to publish, distribute or revise content (with exception to the disclosure of personal, private information) as per the creative commons licence.



In online communities, it’s important to acknowledge that content largely represents the collective work of individuals with varied backgrounds, viewpoints and ideologies. In choosing to use an online community, members should acknowledge that instances of extreme disagreement might arise. While these instances should not be viewed as a personal attack or cause contention between members, often grievances can run wild.


Terms of Use should reinforce the reality that TEFI cannot be held liable for disputes resulting from content posted by other users. 


Members are fully responsible for any negative actions resulting from their contributions. TEFI has no obligation to review content before it is submitted but may edit or remove content if it is deemed to violate community moderation guidelines, to disobey laws or regulations, or to put into question the integrity of the online community or other members.




TEFI has no obligation to mediate or resolve disputes between community members. Community administrators reserve the right to act under their own discretion, whether it be taking an active role in a disagreement, modifying or deleting content, or removing the offending individuals’ access to the community altogether.


TEFI Community administrators set the standards of behaviour for the community.TEFI reserves the right to remove anyone who behaves in a manner that is inappropriate, or who disregards the above framework and principles for creating a respectful, caring and compassionate online community.


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